Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Brains loooooooooooove data, evidence, and proof. The problem is this: what do you do when you have NO data, proof, or evidence?
Here’s what you get in this week’s episode:
✅How to leverage fear to HELP you
✅How to CREATE faith in you
✅How neither fear nor faith is wrong. BOTH can bring you closer to you and your ideal result
✅How to use both fear and faith to make a 10min connection to an international flight during rush hour at LAX
Click the button below to have more Faith in you.
PS. For more on being more you, enroll or schedule your free coaching consultation by going to Christinaarnoldcoaching.com. On the consultation, we’ll go over your specific situation, outline a winning plan, and look at the results you can expect in my program. I’ll answer all answers from a neutral space. No pressure ever. Get started here: Enroll here: https://christinaarnoldcoaching.com/.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Today we go behind the scenes to answer questions emailed to me. Here’s what we cover in this week’s episode:
✅How to make the BEST decision. The one-sentence reframe makes decisions easy.
✅What to do when partner is doing extra work (and you want it to be more equal). How to receive the support you deserve and NOT feel like you owe your partner.
✅How to GET SOME SLEEP! We get to the root of the issue AND the best sleeping solutions. You won’t hear this ANYWHERE else. Listen to this segment and get better sleep TONIGHT.
✅How to approach anxiety. It can’t derail you from your goals. I teach you how with coaching AND somatic tools.
✅What to do when your brain is worried about problems that haven’t happened yet. How to be OK when you have no data. This tool ALWAYS blows people’s mind. I’ve never shared it on the podcast. Don’t miss this.
Click the button for a very special behind the scenes Q&A episode.
PS. If this work resonated with you, know that this is the work we do EVERYDAY in my coaching program. Enroll today or book your free coaching consultation today. On the consultation we’ll chat about your specific concerns, make a plan to support you, show you the results possible inside my program, and answer all your questions from a neutral space so you have all the info you need for your next best decision. No pressure. Ever. Enroll here: https://christinaarnoldcoaching.com/.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
On May 3, 2023 the surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy announced that loneliness is at least as dangerous to our health as smoking, drinking, inactivity, obesity, and air pollution. Here’s what you get in this week’s podcast:
✅A quick summary of the surgeon general’s statement on loneliness
✅The surgeon general’s recommendations of what you can do today to feel better today
✅A look at loneliness through the lens of coaching: HOW it’s advantageous, what creates it, how to UNCREATE it
✅An exercise for instant connection
Click the button below for this week’s episode.
PS. Like this episode? Consider sharing with 3 friends and leaving a 5-star review with a comment to help this message reach more people.
PPS. *RSVP requested*.The Happy in Medicine Workshop is LIVE June 14 and you're invited. This session is the very Best of the podcast & program in a way you've never heard before AND all in one quick hour. At the end of the session, I'll go over how to continue this work with special time-sensitive bonuses before lifetime-2k access ENDS June 30, 2023. For workshop details and replay register HERE: https://www.yourpathinfocus.com/HIM_Registration.
PPPS. To always have compassion for your loneliness, enroll or schedule your free coaching consultation today. On the consultation, we’ll go over your specific situation, outline a winning plan, and look at the results you can expect in my program. No pressure ever. Get started here: https://christinaarnoldcoaching.com/.
Additional resources:
Summary of advisory document and link to full advisory statement here: https://www.hhs.gov/surgeongeneral/priorities/index.html.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
In this week’s podcast you learn HOW to still your mind. THIS is what you get in this week’s podcast:
✅A two-step process to STILL your mind Now
✅The biggest barrier to stilling the mind AND how to solve for it
✅Five pitfalls to look out for AND their simple solutions
✅How to solve for Last-of-Us-type fungal infection scenarios
Click the button to STILL your brain.
PS. Stilling the mind is TRULY the best gift you can give yourself. To perfect this skill, enroll in my coaching program or schedule your free coaching consultation today. As soon as you enroll, you can schedule your bonus private coaching session. Be on our group call a few days from today. Have access to all digital resources immediately. Enroll here: https://christinaarnoldcoaching.com/.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Generalizations cause STRUGGLE. This week’s podcast has the skill of BLOWING UP generalizations and turning them into INSTANT wins. Here’s what you get:
✅Break up generalizations into small, manageable, doable steps THAT YOU CONTROL
✅Three ESSENTIAL steps to getting specific wins Now
✅How to make failure FUN
Click the button for HOW to disrupt generalizations and create specific wins now.
PS. THIS is the work we do everyday inside my lifetime group coaching program. Enroll now at christinaarnoldcoaching.com. Or signup for a free consult. On the consult we will chat about your specific situation, I’ll customize a specific plan for you, I’ll show you the results to expect in this program, and I’ll answer your questions from a neutral space with no pressure so that you have everything you need to make your next best decision.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
All humans feel stuck sometimes. The trick is how quickly can you get UNSTUCK. Through this episode, you’ll know how to course correct. FAST. THIS is what you get in this week’s episode:
✅Three questions to LIBERATE yourself from being stuck
✅A four-step process to NEVER be stuck again
✅Go behind the scenes to see this process in two real-life client examples
Click the button below to be done with stuck FOREVER.
PS. THIS is the work we do everyday inside my lifetime group coaching program. Be done with stuck FOREVER. Enroll now at christinaarnoldcoaching.com. Or signup for a free consult so we can chat about your specific situation and I’ll outline what’s possible and how my program can help you. On the consult we will chat about your specific situation, I’ll customize a specific plan for you, I’ll show you the results to expect in this program, and I’ll answer your questions from a neutral space with no pressure so that you have everything you need to make your next best decision.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Introducing The Most Valuable Played (MVP) episodes. For those of you who only know the Happy in Medicine podcast, there was a prior podcast. Listeners requested I bring back a few of the most popular prior episodes. These MVPs are the most requested topics. Most listened to. Most BELOVED. They will be available to everyone forever for free as an MVP.
Today’s episode was actually the most requested podcast topic EVER. GRIEF.
It’s essential to growth AND to happiness.
Here’s what you get in this week’s episode:
✅The simplest way to grieve
✅How to not be a weirdo when someone cries in your office
✅When you want to get over grief now so you can get back to being productive
✅When you think you (or they) could have done more to prevent the loss
Click the button for the simplest way to Grieve.
PS. Group coaching is the most special way to learn how to grieve. In community. With an expert to help you move through it. Enroll now at christinaarnoldcoaching.com. Or signup for a free consult. On the consult we will chat about your specific situation, I’ll customize a specific plan for you, I’ll show you the results to expect in this program, and I’ll answer your questions from a neutral space with no pressure so that you have everything you need to make your next best decision.
PPS. Love this MVP? All episodes from the prior podcast are archived in the member portal. Enroll now at christinaarnoldcoaching.com.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Brains love to make life COMPLICATED. It’s exhausting.
This week’s podcast gives you the skill of Keeping It SIMPLE.
The process involves four simple questions.
Click the button below to Keep It Simple.
PS. The very best way to Keep It Simple is to be in my lifetime group coaching program. You’ll have an expert certified coach to help you point out when your brain is being extra dramatic. I can help you Keep It SIMPLE. FOR LIFE. Enroll now at christinaarnoldcoaching.com. Or signup for a free consult so we can chat about your specific situation and I’ll outline what’s possible and how my program can help you. On the consult we will chat about your specific situation, I’ll customize a specific plan for you, I’ll show you the results to expect in this program, and I’ll answer your questions from a neutral space with no pressure so that you have everything you need to make your next best decision.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
This week’s episode has the top 10 coaching strategies for passing board examinations. It makes exam prep and passing SO MUCH EASIER. Use this process for any big thing in your life: exams, buying a house, changing jobs, etc. Here’s what you get:
✅The root cause of your test anxiety AND the solution
✅How to have ENOUGH time, support, resources, sleep, confidence, motivation
✅The most effective study plan AND the quickest way to pass
✅What to do if you have failed before
✅How to GUARANTEE success
✅How to guarantee to NEVER feel shame, regret, humiliation
Click the button for your Exam Prep Survival Guide.
PS. If your training program does not have coaching support in place, forward this message to your program director and lets find a way to make sure your program has everything it needs to help its trainees SUCCEED.
PPS. For more coaching tools and strategies, make sure to join my lifetime group coaching program. Trainees of all sorts are welcome. Enroll now at christinaarnoldcoaching.com. Or signup for a free consult. On the consult we will chat about your specific situation, I’ll customize a specific plan for you, I’ll show you the results to expect in this program, and I’ll answer your questions from a neutral space with no pressure so that you have everything you need to make your next best decision.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Brains love to offer “but this is my only chance.” “There will never be anything better.” “This is once in a lifetime.”
When the stakes are so high, it’s easy to freeze or quit.
In this way, an unmanaged brain can turn a “once in a lifetime opportunity” into a “never happening in a lifetime opportunity.”
Don’t let this happen.
With the tools in this week's episode, here's what you can expect:
✅Turn Anger into CLARITY on what you want
✅De-escalate ANY decision with one sentence
✅Two anchors to create immediate relief and results Now
Click the button for this week's episode.
PS. This is the kind of work we do everyday in my lifetime coaching program. We CREATE possibility where we once thought there were no options. We EMPOWER ourselves where we once felt trapped. Together. In community. Join us at christinaarnoldcoaching.com. Enroll now or OR scheduling your free consultation today. On the consult we will chat about your specific situation, I’ll customize a specific plan for you, I’ll show you the results to expect in this program, and I’ll answer your questions from a neutral space with no pressure so that you have everything you need to make your next best decision.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/