Happy In Medicine with Dr. Christina Arnold

Welcome to the Happy In Medicine podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Christina Arnold. I am an expert-certified coach & physician Mom. I help women physicians go from Burnout to HAPPY in Medicine.

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Friday Apr 14, 2023

This week’s podcast is packed with THE BEST mindset and actionable steps to finally create enough time. Right now. Without promotion, the book chapter submitted, or your kids moving out.
Here’s what you get in this week’s podcast:
✅How the thought “I don’t have enough time” actually makes you perfectly human. How to say goodbye to the shame and blame around this thought.
✅Four approaches to calm your brain when it’s in a PANIC over the to-do list
✅How to detach from the deadline-drama
✅Scheduling hacks that create quick wins
✅How to make chores more fun
✅Two thoughts that can create more time TODAY
Click the button for HOW to create more time.
PS. Creating more time is EXACTLY what we do in my lifetime coaching program. Be done with time-drama today by enrolling now OR scheduling your free consultation here: https://christinaarnoldcoaching.com/. On the consult we will chat about your specific situation, I’ll customize a specific plan for you, I’ll show you the results to expect in this program, and I’ll answer your questions from a neutral space with no pressure so that you have everything you need to make your next best decision. 
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

Friday Apr 14, 2023

This week we walk about hating the job. Here’s what you get: 
✅Why you should NOT love your job 24/7. 
✅The feeling of Hate does not make you wrong, bad, or less than. It makes you completely human, just like me. 
✅The feeling of Hate won’t last forever. You CAN control it. It can’t control you. 
✅How the feeling of HATE can lead to something COMPLETELY BEAUTIFUL. 
Click the button for this week’s podcast. 
PS. Hating your job and want more love in your life? I can help you. We do this every day in my lifetime program. Enroll now OR schedule your free consultation here:https://christinaarnoldcoaching.com/. On the consult we can chat about your specific situation, I’ll outline a plan of what you can create in this program, and I’ll answer your questions from a neutral space with no pressure so that you have everything you need to make your next best decision. 💗
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

Friday Apr 14, 2023

Indecision is exhausting.
It presents as 1) a very busy mind that’s never still, 2) lots of confusion, 3) poor sleep, 4) overeating, overNetflixing, over-scrolling, and 5) emotional reactivity.
Most physicians solve for indecision by working harder, researching more, consuming more books, talking it through to all the people, sleeping on it, taking a class, “giving it more time,” and overthinking again.
The answer to indecision is NOT more work, information, or time.
The answer is to DECIDE.
In last week’s episode we discussed a 5-step process to get to ZERO decision drama.
This week we talk what to do if you literally can’t make a decision right now:
DECIDE to box up the indecision. This IS a decision.
Here’s exactly what I do: I put my indecision and all the associated thoughts and feelings into a metaphorical Tiffany’s Box on my desk.  I know it’s there, I know I’ll get to it, and I’ll give myself space to figure it all out. I only allow myself to entertain the issue at my weekly private coaching session with my coach. This way, I have a mind expert to help me investigate my thoughts and NOT get lost on the spin and despair.
When I open the box, I have a decision waiting for me.
I didn’t have to think 24/7 on it. I don’t lose any sleep. I just had to lovingly put it in a box. Constrain the indecision. Let my brain rest.
You get all this in this week’s podcast where you get all this:
✅Two ways to know when you’re stuck in indecision
✅Three myths BUSTED
✅How to constrain indecision
✅What to do while your indecision is contained
✅How to let the decision find you
Click the button for this week’s podcast.
PS. The best way to constrain indecision, hold space for possibility, and make impossible things happen is in community. We do this work everyday in my lifetime group coaching program. Enroll here: https://christinaarnoldcoaching.com/.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

10: Zero Decision Drama

Monday Mar 27, 2023

Monday Mar 27, 2023

In this week’s podcast, you’ll know how to make good decisions FAST.
Decisions, themselves, are easy. We look at all the options. We pick one. That’s it.
It’s the DRAMA surrounding the decision that’s hard.
The faster you get out of decision-drama, the faster you’ll feel better.
When we have decision-drama, we spin in confusion, suffer with painful stories, feel trapped with no choice, and start shutting down.
Instead of focus at work…we’re distracted, clinic takes longer, and we get home later…exhausted from all the overthinking.
Instead of presence at home… our brains are constantly thought looping on all the issues. We’re quick to yell about the dirty dishes in the living room and then feel terrible about that too. We go through dinner-bath-bedtime routine but don’t actually hear what the kids are saying.
Instead of enjoying our dream vacation in the Bahamas…we’re worrying about a disaster work schedule that hasn’t even happened yet. We’d never bring our boss on vacation with us intentionally, and yet here she is in our mind 24/7 in the Caribbean. Yuck.
The key is to know how to make good decisions FAST.
In this week’s podcast episode, you’ll do just that with this brand new tool:
The Zero Decision-Drama Drill.
Here’s how it works:
✅Simplifies the process.✅Eliminates the drama and stories.✅Creates total clarity.✅Syncs three key perspectives.
PLUS you’ll get a reliable tool to confirm your decision.
This is how you make good decisions FAST.
More focus at work. Get home sooner.
More presence at home. Actually hear the kids tell you about their day.
More connection and FUN on vacation, while the boss stays in her own dang zip code.
Decisions aren’t hard.
Drama is hard.
Ditch the drama with The Zero Decision-Drama Drill.
Let decisions be easy.
Click the button to get started Today.
"But what if I can."
The first response of any human brain is usually “no” followed by all the reasons why something can’t possibly work and YOU can’t possibly do it.
Expect the resistance.
It means you have a normal human brain, just like mine.
Avoid the urge to believe your brain and quit on yourself. Quitting is basic. You are not.
Meet your brain with this new sentence:  "But what if I can."
Let this sentence open you up to possibility.
Let the possibility show you all the options, help you take your next step, and then go out in the world and CREATE the results that will build your belief IN YOU.
Every time your brain says you can’t, keep bringing your brain back to “but what if I can.”
Because here’s the stone-cold truth:
You totally can.
Click the button below for How to believe “but what if I can”
PS. Like what you hear? Share this podcast with three friends. This is how we change Medicine. Together.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

9: But What If You Can

Monday Mar 27, 2023

Monday Mar 27, 2023

"But what if I can."
The first response of any human brain is usually “no” followed by all the reasons why something can’t possibly work and YOU can’t possibly do it.
Expect the resistance.
It means you have a normal human brain, just like mine.
Avoid the urge to believe your brain and quit on yourself. Quitting is basic. You are not.
Meet your brain with this new sentence:  "But what if I can."
Let this sentence open you up to possibility.
Let the possibility show you all the options, help you take your next step, and then go out in the world and CREATE the results that will build your belief IN YOU.
Every time your brain says you can’t, keep bringing your brain back to “but what if I can.”
Because here’s the stone-cold truth:
You totally can.
Click the button below for How to believe “but what if I can”
PS. Like what you hear? Share this podcast with three friends. This is how we change Medicine. Together.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

8: 1% Wins

Monday Mar 27, 2023

Monday Mar 27, 2023

1% better.
When your brain is distressed, change can feel next to impossible.
It's easy to feel stuck. No options. No choices.
When you are in this place, aim for 1% wins.
Make your workday 1% better: wear you favorite shoes, bring in your favorite snack, or treat yourself to mid-day neck stretches.
Make your evening 1% better: skip the laundry, put on your favorite show, or take a warm bath.
Make your connection with your honey 1% better: snuggle up on the couch, talk about something other than the kids, or share a piece of cake.
We don't have to make everything better all at once to feel better.
When we are stuck, 1% wins are actually the very best place to be.
They are small enough that the brain won't resist.
They seem doable.
You'll have instant wins. TODAY.
And over time, 1% wins each day create massive wins overall.
This concept was shared by the brilliant Martha Beck, Kara Loewentheil, and Candice Toone.
Click the button below for 1% better.
PS. Like what you hear? Share this podcast with three friends. This is how we change Medicine. Together.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

7: CHOOSING NOT to Belong

Monday Mar 27, 2023

Monday Mar 27, 2023

NOT belonging can be POWERFUL.
This one concept was the most helpful concept that helped me retire from Medicine.
Here's what happened...
I was walking on campus and it struck me that I've never felt like I belonged in Medicine.
Oh sure, I could coach myself and create a sense of belonging but it never felt natural or easy to me.
It always required A LOT of work to get there.
Before coaching, I made this Not-belonging feeling mean that something was wrong with me:
I must not be working hard enough.
This thinking was so painful.
And sometimes I thought that maybe something was wrong with the job, the work culture, the people.
This thinking was so painful too.
More recently when I revisited this feeling of Not-belonging in Medicine, I didn't have any blame or shame about it.
Nothing was wrong with me; nothing was wrong with the job.
I just didn't belong in Medicine.
I know I could do the work to feel that sense of belonging in Medicine.
I just didn't want to do the work anymore.
I'd rather put all the time and energy into being a full time life coach where I am overflowing with belonging AND it takes ZERO effort.
Coming to this realization made retiring from Medicine effortless.
Where in your life do you NOT belong?
What if it isn't a problem at all?
What if it's simply a road sign pointing you to areas where you do belong.
AND you don't have to take drastic steps like retiring from your job-- this episode walks you through how tiny baby steps can have a massive impact AND go back to listen to episode 6 to learn how to create belonging 24/7 on demand.
Click the button below to CHOOSE NOT to belong.
PS. Like what you hear? Share this podcast with three friends. This is how we change Medicine. Together.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

6: HOW to Belong

Monday Mar 27, 2023

Monday Mar 27, 2023

This week we talk about how to belong in any room, at any time, no matter what.
Imagine how life could be different if you felt true belonging.
Dinner at the in-laws could be pleasant.
Calling mom could be fun.
The long hospital days when volumes are doubled and staffing is halved could be easier.
Here's what you'll get in this podcast episode:
💗Where belonging is NOT
💗A process to generate Belonging anytime you want it
💗How to belong TO YOU first
Click the button below for how to create your own belonging Today.
PS. Like what you hear? Share this podcast with three friends. This is how we change Medicine. Together.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

5: Your Breakthrough Thought

Monday Mar 27, 2023

Monday Mar 27, 2023

New clients often think that it’ll take months or years to feel better.
It doesn’t.
You are always EXACTLY one thought away from your next breakthrough.
That’s it.
It’s not years of hard work or effort.
It’s one thought.
You’ll feel better as fast as you are willing to think it.
In this week’s podcast you’ll know how to find your one breakthrough thought.
Connect with your breakthrough thought TODAY.
You’ll also get the Redirection Compass to reliably, consistently, 100% of the time get to your one breakthrough thought in a flash.
You aren’t 1,000 thoughts away from a breakthrough.
You aren’t months, years away from feeling better.
You don’t have to work to find your breakthrough thought.
You don’t have to spend time creating your breakthrough thought.
It already exists.
It is with you right now.
Click the button below to connect with your one breakthrough thought Now.
PS. Like what you hear? Share this podcast with three friends. This is how we change Medicine. Together.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

Monday Mar 27, 2023

Sure, being the boss’ favorite has its perks.
Of course, it’s fun. Except when it’s not.
If we only feel good when the boss is gushing over us, we DON’T learn the skill of how to take care of ourselves.
It’s easy to feel forgotten when we aren’t mentioned at faculty meeting…when she does NOT stop by to say Hi…or when she stops nominating us to her friends.
The solution is NOT to work harder.
You work hard enough.
The solution is to become YOUR own favorite person.
You won’t learn this skill at your wellness trainings. You didn’t learn this in med school. No one is teaching this at your center.
You can learn this skill here in this week’s podcast.
When you have this skill, you’ll feel better.
Listen to this podcast TODAY and feel better TODAY.
I designed it to give you INSTANT wins.
When the boss gushes over the new hire at the faculty meeting, you’ll know how to take care of you.
When the boss doesn’t stop by to check in, you’ll get home faster and be glad for it.
When the boss doesn’t nominate you, you’ll find other ways to get invited speakerships.
This one skill will make your life better IN EVERY WAY.
Teach this skill to your partner and kids and their lives will be upleveled too.
It’s a good thing that you aren’t your boss favorite.
Being your own favorite is WAY BETTER.
Click the button below for your 3-quick steps to becoming your own favorite person.
PS. Like what you hear? Share this podcast with three friends. This is how we change Medicine. Together.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

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