Happy In Medicine with Dr. Christina Arnold

Welcome to the Happy In Medicine podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Christina Arnold. I am an expert-certified coach & physician Mom. I help women physicians go from Burnout to HAPPY in Medicine.

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Thursday Jun 06, 2024

This got me fuming mad when I was practicing Medicine:
a totally unfair work schedule
a surgeon yelling at me about a positive margin
my boss (who didn't have kids) telling me that good moms don’t travel so much 
My anger made so much sense.
I don’t like doing MORE than my share of clinical work.
I don’t like ANYONE yelling at me.
I don’t like anyone suggesting that I’m not a good mom.
Here’s why I got tripped up:  I made all of this mean there was something wrong with me.
I had a terrible work schedule because I wasn’t as valuable. 
The surgeon yelled at me because I didn’t carry myself as confidently as my male counterparts.
Maybe I wasn’t being a good mom. 
Cue the sleepless nights, yelling at myself 24/7, and soothing myself with ice cream until I didn't fit into my pants. No fun.
In this week’s podcast episode, you get the secret to dealing with a bad schedule, colleague, and boss WITHOUT losing sleep and beating yourself up:
✳️Recognize when you're blaming you and redirect your brain towards the REAL problem (it's never you!)
✳️Create REAL solutions 
✳️Feel better fast because you know how to handle an unfair schedule, a yelling surgeon, and a bad boss
✳️Four case studies to show you how this tool works in real-time
Click the button to enjoy the show.
Want customized support with your impossible problem? I help physician moms work part-time hours while keeping their full-time doctor’s salary without side-hustle headaches. The secret is to stop trying to change yourself. Fix the job instead. Keep your full-time salary. Enjoy fancy vacations. Send daughter to her top choice college and pay all cash. Book a sales call today: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=23656429&appointmentType=63519159
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

Thursday May 23, 2024

For summer vacation, you want a Disney cruise to Castaway Cay; husband wants to visit his parents in Nebraska.
You want to get home before the kids go to bed. Boss wants you to see more patients.
You'd like an organized house. Kids roll their eyes at any chores.
In this week’s podcast, you get a secret recipe to SOLVE ANY PROBLEM.
The brain worries, spins, and stresses when it thinks all problems are IMPOSSIBLE.
It feels terrible.
Our logical brain goes offline. 
It's harder to sleep. It’s even HARDER to problem-solve when we're exhausted.
In this podcast episode, you get a simple process to SOLVE ANY PROBLEM.
PLUS you'll love the behind-the-scenes stories.
Click the button to enjoy the show.
Want customized support with your impossible problem? I help physician moms work part-time hours while keeping their full-time doctor’s salary. The secret is to stop trying to change yourself. Change the job instead. Keep your full-time salary. Enjoy fancy vacations. Send daughter to her top choice college and pay all cash. Book a sales call today: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=23656429&appointmentType=63519159podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

Thursday May 09, 2024

Have an impossible decision to make? Girrrrrrl, you gotta try this week's new tool. 
Andrea (name and details are anonymized) felt stuck in a job she didn’t love AND she also didn’t want to move because she was afraid she’d hate that job too AND she was super mad at herself for not deciding either way. In this week’s podcast, I give you the tool set I developed for Andrea:
It involves FIRST not making Andrea wrong.
Validating all of her concerns are important, sensible, and thoughtful.
Looking at the decision that solves the MOST problems.
Looking at the decision that creates MORE problems.
And considering simplicity for the win
What happened to Andrea? She decided to stay in place at her job and negotiate to make it a better fit. This decision felt like such RELIEF to her. She got EVERYTHING she asked for. She loves her “new” job (it’s the same job but she made it entirely new through negotiations). She stayed in the house and school district she loves. She’s THRILLED with her decision. 
Click the button for the solution to your impossible decision.
PS. Want customized support with your impossible problem?  I help physician moms work part-time hours while keeping their full-time doctor’s salary. The secret is to stop trying to change yourself. Change the job instead. Keep your full-time salary. Enjoy fancy vacations. Send daughter to her top choice college and pay all cash. Book a sales call today: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=23656429&appointmentType=63519159podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

Thursday Apr 25, 2024

In this week’s podcast episode you get my 8 BEST tips on how to spice up your life with INFINITE brilliant ideas. Think Oprah, Magic, & a time machine all rolled into one.. You'll LOVE this episode if you're...
feeling stuck in your career-   did I really go to med school for this???
kinda bored of the daily routine-   is this all there is???
wanting life to be more than an endless to-list. 
wishing for more connection with husband but not sure where to even start.
wanting to grow your practice but having NO IDEA where you're people are.
desperate to help kiddos with their math homework while they're yelling through broken tears "i hate math!!". PS. This is EXACTLY what daughter said to me just last night.
If any of this sounds familiar, this week's episode is the solution you've been looking for. Here’s what you get:
✳️WHERE to find your BEST ideas
✳️100 new ideas on demand
✳️Sensation adventures
✳️Your nondominant hand is a wizard
✳️10xing the solution
✳️NOT thinking
✳️Movement for the win
✳️PLUS my own personal experience with brilliant ideas
Click the button to enjoy the show. Christina💗
PS. If you love this episode, this is the FUN we're having every day inside my coaching program. Book your free coaching consultation today to get 1) customized coaching tips for next steps EVEN IF YOU DON'T JOIN, 2) you'll see the results you can expect in my program, & 3) I'll answer ALL your questions. ZERO icky sales tactics! NO PRESSURE. Only fun fun FUN! Schedule your consult right now HERE.
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

The tool I share in this week’s podcast is THE TOOL that made it crystal clear that I was leaving Medicine.
Here’s the thing: decisions are only hard when we tell ourselves that all options are dangerous.
As long as you think all options are dangerous, of course, you’ll feel paralyzed with no good options. Of course. And this will have you stuck in indecision, which is a decision but it’s one that keeps you stuck.
Here’s your tool: make all options safe FIRST.
You’ll be happy either way.
You’ll be successful either way.
You’ll feel fulfilled either way.
If all that’s true, then what do you want to do next?
When you create safety FIRST, you access the wisest part of your mind and intuition to make the best decisions yet.
In the episode you also get two case studies to walk you through how to apply this tool.
One of the case studies is ripped from my diary—you’ll love it!
Click the button to enjoy the show.
PS. Hey- have you signed-up for the ALL NEW training "When Being A Good Doctor Isn't Good For Us"? It's all the best tools I've never taught. You won't want to miss it! Bring all your friends! We'll also open up LIFETIME COACHING during the workshop: WEEKLY coaching FOR LIFE, 6 private calls, 50 CME, & a "my favorite things" care package for those enroll during the workshops. Signup here: https://www.yourpathinfocus.com/him-training
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

In this week's episode, I walk you through the process I give to my clients on HOW to get the hard stuff done! I’ve never shared it here on the podcast AND you can totally follow this process on your own or grab a buddy. It’s three simple steps PLUS I share how I used this approach to get over a 40year dental phobia—it’s so good!  Click below to enjoy the show. Christina💗
PS. Hey- have you signed-up for the ALL NEW training "When Being A Good Doctor Isn't Good For Us"? It's all the best tools I've never taught. You won't want to miss it! Bring all your friends! We'll also open up LIFETIME COACHING during the workshop: WEEKLY coaching FOR LIFE, 6 private calls, 50 CME, & a "my favorite things" care package for those enroll during the workshops. Signup here: https://www.yourpathinfocus.com/him-training
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

Thursday Mar 14, 2024

Today we talk what to do when you have something you WANT to do and also you find yourself NOT doing it.
In the past, Medicine may have taught you to grind it out anyway: “just stop whining and force yourself to do it.”
Your coach may have offered “but you can do hard things!”, “discomfort is the currency of your dreams,” or “just put fear in the backseat and drive.”
And all of this can get AMAZING results. For sure. If these techniques get you the results you want AND you feel great. Keep doing them.
For me, these approaches got results AND FELT TERRIBLE:
Calling myself a whiner made me feel small.
Making myself do things I didn’t want to do felt like I was invisible to me.
I don’t want to expect everything important to be hard and uncomfortable.
I didn’t want to stuff my feelings away.
In this week’s episode you get a WHOLE NEW WAY TO APPROACH LIFE.
It’s three simple steps.
It involves NO hustle. NO grinding. NO being mean to yourself.
You actually might find it brings immediate RELIEF. CALM. Ease.
It’s about what to do when part of you does NOT want to do something.
Click the button to enjoy the show.
PS. Hey- have you signed-up for the ALL NEW training "When Being A Good Doctor Isn't Good For Us"? It's all the best tools I've never taught. You won't want to miss it! Bring all your friends! We'll also open up LIFETIME COACHING during the workshop: WEEKLY coaching FOR LIFE, 6 private calls, 50 CME, & a "my favorite things" care package for those enroll during the workshops. Signup here: https://www.yourpathinfocus.com/him-training
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

50: 🏰Traitors Gets Coached

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Today we dissect the new hit TV series The Traitors (aires on Peacock). It’s my new favorite show ever!! It combines the best elements of all our fav shows (survivor, amazing race, apprentice, real housewives, dating shows) into ONE show AND it’s loaded with thrilling psychological complexities. PS. You don't have to have ever watched the show to get this episode. 
Why are we talking TV on a podcast about how to be Happy in Medicine?!?
✳️You’ll learn SO MUCH as we cover topics/scenarios that we haven’t covered before!🤓
✳️I’ll apply it all back to you—you’ll leave with a new way of thinking about your career, life, and relationships!🔥
✳️Because you’ll have a new fun show to consider!💃🏻
Click the button below for the show.
Have you heard??!!! LIFETIME COACHING IS COMING BACK...for a few precious days. It's expert-certified, trauma-informed coaching EVERY week FOR LIFE You never have to worry about being all alone, backtracking, and getting stuck ever again. It's support for every stage of life. PLUS it includes SIX private coaching calls, 50 CME (your boss might pay), and "my favorite things" care package for those who purchase during the upcoming workshop series (When Being A Good Doctor Isn't Good For Us). Already in lifetime and want the 6 calls and care package? Enroll during the workshop series, you get the calls/care package, and you can GIFT the lifetime membership to someone you think would be a great fit for our group (or if you don't know someone, we can gift it for you). This is THE BEST TIME to have LIFETIME coaching. SERIOUSLY. Tell all your friends! Details coming SOON!
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/


Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

On this very special Leap Day, we are doing something VERY special inside my program. Click the button for this 3min summary of what is coming! AND actually, we have already added SO MUCH MORE!! For the full scoop, updates, links, etc make sure you've entered your email at yourpathinfocus.com/email. Christina🤩
PS. Have you booked your free coaching consultation yet?  On the cal, we'll go over the results you can expect in my coaching program, answer all your questions, and you'll leave with specific ideas on how to feel better today, even if you don't join! It's a no-pressure, no icky sales tactics, all fun & connection kind of call. Book your free coaching consultation here today: https://www.yourpathinfocus.com/
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

Thursday Feb 22, 2024

Last week I shared that I had soooooooo much drama over a podcast interview!
Today we cover THE actual podcast interview.
It’s loaded with GOLD AND some personal stories I’ve never shared before.
And if you want the juicy backstory, make sure you check out the previous podcast episode.
Here’s what you get this week!:
✅What I did when husband wanted me to complete md phd and I didn’t want to✅When you HATE annual compliance training✅When you can’t do what you want because of RESPONSIBILITIES
✅How I got the coaching bug in HIGH SCHOOL
✅When boss SAYS you’re easily replaced✅When you’re default problem solving to everything is to work harder✅When a disaster Western blot threatens your academic career✅When job tries to manipulate you
Click here for the show.
PS. If you love this session, THIS is the work we do every day in my coaching program. You get IMMEDIATE access to all of it as soon as you join. Enroll or schedule your free consultation here:https://www.yourpathinfocus.com/
PPS. To NEVER miss the podcast, specials, freebies, & bonuses, make sure to enter your email address here: yourpathinfocus.com/email.
Resource:Dr. Jose Otero hosts The Biocredible podcast here:https://biocrediblepodcast.buzzsprout.com/2085427
podcast music credit to https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/rock-montage/classic/

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